Everything Age Regression

If you want to learn about age regression and/or related things like caregivers and pet regression, then you’re in the right place! If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to send me an ask on tumblr (jrwi-agere / aethlingg)!

What is age regression?

Age regression, also known as "agere" (age-ree) is when someone gets sort of stuck in the mindset of a younger age. It is often used as a coping mechanism to deal with trauma, mental illness, or just stress. It is involuntary and doesn't always happen at the best moments, but a lot of regressors know how to trigger their regression on purpose if they need or want to. A lot of regressors do that with the help of a caregiver (see the page on caregivers).
Note: Age regression is not and never will be sexual. That is a completely different thing and the agere community stays as far away from people who sexualize age regression as possible.

What is a caregiver?

A caregiver is someone who takes care of a regressor (or a "little") as if that little was their own child. A caregiver/regressor relationship can be either romantic or platonic, but never sexual.
Littles and caregivers often have nicknames for each other. A caregiver might call their little "baby" or "sweetheart" or "bear" or other petnames and little might refer to their caregiver as "Mommy" or "Daddy" or "Buba" but, and I cannot stress this enough, it is NOT sexual and it never will be.

What is age dreaming?

Age dreaming is very similar to age regression except it is done on purpose and can be slipped out of very easily. While age regression is being "stuck" in a younger mindset, age dreaming is more like you are pretending to be younger. People often age dream because it is very calming and stress relieving. It is also a great way to start regressing if you want to start, because if you age dream enough, you will start slipping into it on accident, which would be considered regression.

What is pet regression?

Pet regression, also known as "petre" (pet-ree), is similar to age regression, except instead of regressing to the mind of a child, you regress to the headspace of an animal. Pet regression has a huge range in animals you can regress to, but I will give a few examples.
The most common animal is a dog (or puppy). A pup regressor might run around outside, chew on things, etc. A cat regressor might curl up in a patch of sun or play with toys. It's not only domestic pets, though. One I have heard of is bat regressors, who might wear a blanket or cloak and treat them like wings or hang upside down on monkey bars or even just the side of their bed (try to stay safe, though!).
Pet regression is usually done for the same reasons as age regression. To deal with stress, trauma, mental health, or just because it's fun!

How do i get into age regression/ start regressing?

A good way to start regression is age dreaming! You could find a kid's show or movie you used to watch as a kid and cozy up in bed with stuffed animals, you could sit on the floor with crayons and paper and or a coloring book, you could play with your old kids' toys, whatever you want! Feel free to send me an ask on tumblr if you need more ideas! (jrwi-agere / aethlingg)


- Is age regression a kink?
No. Don’t even make sexual jokes about it, it makes us very uncomfortable.
- Am I still an age regressor if I haven’t regressed in months or years?
Yes! At the time of writing this, I myself haven't regressed in a few months.
-Is it normal to go back to your agab when regressing?
Yes, it is. Everyone experiences it differently, but for a some littles, regression is literally regressing to how you were at a younger age. And sometimes that means your gender expression can return to what it was then. Though, you could also enjoy girly things and still identify as a boy or vice versa. It’s whatever you feel most comfortable with.
-Do you have to have trauma to regress?
Not at all! Some regressors simply do it to deal with stress, mental illness, or just for a sense of comfort.
-What age do people regress to?
It’s different for everyone. Most regressors have a certain age range that they are most likely to regress to, but even that doesn’t mean that they will stick to that age range. A regressor with an age range of 4-7 could regress to 1-3 or 10-13 on occasion, but 4-7 is still their age range because that’s what they do most of the time.
-What is a middle regressor?
Middle regressor is a term used to refer to regressors with an age range within the 10-14 range.
-Why to agere blogs use DNI banners? (CW sexual regression mention)
Unfortunately, there is a not very small community of people who
“age regress” in a sexual way and sexualize regressors. Those people don't usually try very hard to separate themselves from us and when they interact with us, we are not only being sexualized but also are being exposed to the sexualizing of littles.
Feel free to send me an ask with any other questions you might have or you think people should know and I might add it to this list! (jrwi-agere / aethlingg)